Trip Schedule:

Right now we don't have a schedule except to say that we put up trips in late June, July, August and September.

Because we guide small partys of riders and hikers, we accommodate our trips to their summer vacation schedules.

If you'd like to join us, send us your vacation schedule and we'll work out a trip that will fit your needs.

Trip Fees

Trip Prices for riders = $200 CDN per day plus 7% federal goods & services tax [g.s.t.]

Trip Prices for hikers = $150 CDN per day plus 7% g.s.t.

1/3 down at time of booking, non refundable, but transferrable to following season.

The balance is due 30 days prior to the start of the trip.

Make cheques payable to Ward Outfitting.

Visa and Master Cards are also accepted by phone.

For security reasons, do not send your Visa or Master Card numbers by email.

Phone: (780) 852 0282

Willmore EmailEmail Gerald Ward