Haibun, a combination of prose and haiku, is my favourite
of the contemporary haiku-genre forms. I enjoy writing about everyday experiences and reading the everyday accounts written by other writers. In short, haibun is personal writing, where the writer's self is embedded in the prose and haiku.
A full definition of haibun can be found in the journal Contemporary Haibun Online. If you are interested
in the range of expression in contemporary English-language haibun, visit
the "Haibun
by Other Writers" link. As well, Contemporary
Haibun Online, Haibun Today, Lynx, Modern
Haiku, Simply
Haiku and Frogpond feature haibun writing.
Haibun Collections:
= new postings.
Haibun Published or Accepted in 2009/10:
= new postings.
A Word of Advice, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Bend in the River, Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose |
Casablanca, Simply Haiku |
Catching Up, Haibun Today |
Concert, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Day's End, Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose |
Deliverance, Modern Haiku |
Easter Morning, Simply Haiku |
Edge, Simply Haiku |
Endings, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Family Tree, Modern Haiku |
Flock of Grimaces, Haibun Today |
Gatherings, Bottle Rockets |
Immersion, Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose |
Intruders, Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose |
Last Beaths, Bottle Rockets |
Lollypops, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Long Walk, Bottle Rockets |
Lucky Day, Frogpond |
Monk's Journey, Simply Haiku |
More or Less, Haibun Today |
Mountain Folk Festival, British Haiku Society Haibun Annual |
No and Thanks, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Not at Home, British Haiku Society Haibun Annual |
Reverie, Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose |
Trying It On, Frogpond |
Twice in the Garden, Haibun Today |
What If, Modern Haiku |
Haibun Published or Accepted for 2007/08:
Age of Enlightenment, Blithe Spirit |
Beat Scene, Ink, Sweat & Tears |
Birch Lake, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Caught Out, Ink, Sweat & Tears |
Ceremony, Bottle Rockets |
Click, Blithe Spirit |
Continental Divide, British Haiku Society Haibun Anthology |
Desert Walks, Roadrunner |
Dog Star, Lynx |
Don't, Frogpond |
Dover Beach, British Haiku Society Haibun Anthology |
Dragonfly, Ink, Sweat & Tears |
Falling, Simply Haiku |
Fathers and Sons, Moonset |
Fear That Has No Name, British Haiku Society Haibun Anthology |
Fly Fishing, Haibun Today |
Folding Knife, Modern Haiku |
Hell Hath No Fury, Simply Haiku |
How Is It, Moonset, 2nd place inhaibun competition |
Journey to the Far North, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Judas Kiss, Frogpond |
Lament for a Canine, Frogpond |
Lucy in the Sky, Bottle Rockets [not yet available] |
Memorial Day, Simply Haiku |
Muse, Simply Haiku |
Possibilities, Simply Haiku |
Return Visit, Contemporary Haibun |
Stolen Memories, Simply Haiku |
Story Teller, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Sunspot, Bottle Rockets |
Talking About Things, Contemporary Haibun |
To Be a Man, Simply Haiku |
Unsaddled, Haibun Today |
Visiting Mom, Frogpond |
Warmth, Modern Haiku, Best Haibun Award |
What are you up to? Lynx |
Winter Blues, Moonset |
Wounded Birds, Bottle Rockets |
Writer's Block, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Haibun Published in 2006
Haibun Published in 2003/4/5
Advent of Spring, LifeSherpa |
April, LifeSherpa |
Bamboo Rake, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Bathrobe, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Birthday Musings, LifeSherpa |
Dover Beach aka My Back Yard, LifeSherpa |
In the Mood, Contemporary Haibun |
Moonlit Trail, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Muddied Path, Simply Haiku |
Last Class, Simply Haiku |
Red Man Ruin, Simply Haiku |
Spicy Noodle Soup, Haiku Harvest |
Three Buck Poet, Contemporary Haibun Online |
Weight of Snow, Simply Haiku |
Whole Works, Tiny Words |