Haibun in the Modern English-Language Style by Ray Rasmussen
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Yesterday, the sun warm on my shoulders, I took a walk in the river valley. Everywhere, winter's ruins, the pillaged snow, the leafless trees, the smell of rotting leaves. The cackling of geese surprised me and I stopped, watched them fly over in their search for open water, for nesting sites.

Mmmm! Spring is finally here.

Today, up early, I look out the window and see several inches of fresh powder snow. On the computer, I come across Soji's haiku.

sudden storm
the geese overhead
fade into snowflakes

Reluctantly, I trudge out the door and pick up my snow shovel. I feel like a soldier who has been too long at war. No haiku moment for me today!

daffodils on the
window pane -
heads hanging down

published in Life Sherpa, 2004.