Kurimoto Japanese Garden
About This Web Site
The Kurimoto garden is the creation of the late Tadashi Kubo, Kubo and Associates, Osaka, Japan. It was implemented by his representative Kozo Mitani. Each person visiting the garden forms his or her own interpretations. The garden occupies five acres. It is one of only a few Japanese gardens established in northern latitudes. Its central feature is a large pond around which many other features are displayed. Several Azumayas [sheltered gazebos] look onto the pond, each from a different elevation, distance and perspective. The garden contains numerous stone lanterns, each one a unique design. The photographs on this website were taken by Ray Rasmussen. Large prints and jpeg files of these images are available if the person wanting them makes a donation to the Devonian Botanic Garden. They may also be used by any school or non-profit organization for whatever purposes. See the copyright link for details of image use and donations for how to make a donation to the Devonian Gardens. A certain amount of haiku poetry is included on this webpage. Haiku is classic Japanese poetry form that was originally translated into 17 syllables in three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables. Today's English-language haiku average 13 syllables, usually expressed in three lines. For more information on haiku poetry visit: haiku poetry. Dedication: The Kurimoto Japanese Garden began with the approval of a proposal by Dr. Marion Shipley and the Friends of the Devonian Botanic Garden who also raised the funds for it. The garden is named after Dr. Yuichi Kurimoto, who was the first Japanese national to graduate from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Arts in 1930. Copyright: All images on this website are subject to copyright permission and may not be used except with the permission of the photographer. For details on sales and use see the copyright page. | Return to Entry Page | About This Site | Copyright & Sale of Images | | Ray's Web | Ray's Other Photography Websites | Ray's Haiku Websites | Email | |