Day's End





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Index of Poets

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Anita Virgil's Selections: haiku, senryu & tanka

bulletNick Avis #1
bulletNick Avis #2
bulletRoberta Beary #1
bulletRoberta Beary #2
bulletTom Clausen #1

bulletTom Clausen #2
bulletDenis Garrison #1
bulletDenis Garrison #2
bulletDenis Garrison #3
bulletBeverley George

bulletStanford Goldstein
bulletGary Hotham
bulletAl Pizzarelli
bulletCarol Raisfeld #1
bulletCarol Raisfeld #2

bulletCarol Raisfeld #3
bulletAnita Virgil #1
bulletAnita Virgil #2
bulletAnita Virgil #3
bulletLinda Jeanette Ward
bulletFran Witham

Ray Rasmussen's Selections: haiku, senryu & tanka

bulletNorman Darlington
bulletLorin Ford
bulletStanford M. Forrester
bulletChristopher Herold
bulletKen Jones
bulletJim Kacian
bulletM. Kei #1

bulletM. Kei #2
bulletKirsty Karkow #1
bulletKirsty Karkow #2
bulletMichael Ketchek
bulletLarry Kimmel
bulletGary LeBel
bulletBob Lucky

bulletMichael McClintock
bulletChristopher Patchel
bulletMoira Richards
bulletRay Rasmussen
bulletLynne Rees
bulletBruce Ross
bulletAdelaide B. Shaw

bulletAlan Summers
bulletGeorge Swede
bulletBeverly Tift
bulletCharles Trumbull
bulletDiana Webb
bulletNeal Whitman
bulletJeffrey Woodward
bulletHarriot West

Ray Rasmussen's Selections: haibun

bulletHortensia Anderson
bulletRoberta Beary
bulletCurtis Dunlap

bulletLynn Edge
bulletMarilyn Hazelton
bulletRuth Holzer
bulletKen Jones

bulletEd Markowski
bulletFran Masat
bulletRay Rasmussen

bulletAdelaide B. Shaw
bulletRichard Straw
bulletJeffrey Woodward

Asian Masters:


bulletTu Fu


Copyright © 2011. Design by R.V. Rasmussen. All images and poetry are the property of the cited photographers and poets. Nothing from this website may be copied or reproduced or used in any way without the written permission of the cited poet or photographer.