I plan to add to this website every quarter. If you have a haiku, tanka or haibun that you feel is suitable, please consider submitting it.
In submitting, please consider that I've attempted to keep the website focused on age-related experiences directly affecting the writer and not on the writer's friends or family and particularly not on the issue of loss or infirmities of a loved one. My plan is to create a similar website with a focus on the experience of "loss."
If you submit a poem or haibun and I find the subject suitable to aims of the present site, I'll reply with several image possibilities in mind and ask for your reactions. I won't post an image with your poem or haibun unless you feel that it's suitable.
I have a preference for previously published work. If you submit such, please also send the previous publication details: journal, volume, number, date.
Click to get an email window for your submission -> Submission Email
Ray Rasmussen, Editor, Day's End