Senryu Links
Provided by Ray Rasmussen

[Senryu Entry Page] [Definitions] [Links]

Haiku vs Senryu : A Hijinx E-journal Article by Michael Dylan Welch

Humor in Haiku : A Hijinx E-journal Article by David Cobb

Senryu Is: A Definition by Lorraine Ellis Harr, DRAGONFLY: A QUARTERLY OF HAIKU, July `76, Vol. 4, no. 3

Humor in Basho's Hokku: Part 1: A Hijinx E-journal Article by William J. Higginson

Humor in Basho's Hokku: Part 2: A Hijinx E-journal Article by William J. Higginson

Haiku vs Senryu: How to Tell the Difference A web page by Elizabeth St Jacques

Sense of Humour: Forgotten Prerequisite of Haiku: by Susumu Takiguchi, Hijinx E-journal Article

Atlantic Monthly Senryu Contest Conducted by Michael Dylan Welch.

Senryu published in the WHR: Volume: 1-1 :: 1-2 :: 1-3 :: 2-1 :: 2-2 :: 2-3 :: 3-1 ::

A World Map: Developments in World Haiku. This is Cor van den Heuvel's foreword to the 3rd edition of The
Haiku Anthology: Haiku and Senryu in English, re-printed in World Haiku Review: On Western Haiku, as he talks about the development of Western haiku.

Dialogue with a Poet: An Interview of Michael McClintock. In this WHR column, senryu is mentioned. Most of the interview is about his views on haiku and its development.

Book Review of Writing and Enjoying Haiku: A Hands-on Guide by J. Reichhold's : by William J. Higginson, Modern Haiku, Volume 34.2, Summer 2003.

Toward a Definition of Senryu: An Analysis of Senryu Selected for the WHR by Ray Rasmussen

WHR Senryu Notes: A series of notes by Susumu, Debi and others for the WHC Senryu E-Forum

Senryu: Satire by Francisco and Johnye S.

The Joke Haiku by Paul Henry: This article conveys a misunderstanding of the Senryu Genre, but still offers some food for thought.

On Senryu: A Shiki Archive Comment by Michael Dylan Welch

Haiku vs Senryu: Another set of Shiki Archive Comments

Senryu - Where Does the Name Come From?

Senryu Samplings from Bitoh Sanryu, A review of Senryu - Haiku Reflections of the Times, by Susumu Takiguchi, World Haiku Review.

Book Review: Allan Pizzarelli's Senryu Magazine : Contains some interesting examples.

Interview of Allan Pizzarelli with Senryu Examples : Contains some interesting examples and comments about senryu. Pizzarelli says, "... if it is man within the world, it is haiku. If it is the world within the man, it is senryu."

Senryu posted in Long Shot Magazine

A Brief Survey of Senryû by Women, by Hiroaki Sato, Modern Haiku E-journal