Denizens of Ireland: A Photo Journal by Ray Rasmussen

About this Website

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The Irish coast and countryside are beautiful, the towns colourful, the music vibrant, the people friendly. We all know this and we're also aware that Ireland has increasingly improved on its economic health (albeit with the usual ups an downs) in recent years.

I've posted images about the beauty of the place elsewhere: Ireland Landscapes & Scenes

The images on this website show an Ireland that isn't what one sees in the travel brochures. I focused on its 'denizens' ... on the people who live in the place when they're not busy catering to tourists, on those of us who travel there, and on some scenes that aren't so beautiful, but that are still Ireland.

In a sense, this is a photojournalist approach to Ireland where each image is meant to carry a message about the place, the people, and the visitors.

~ Ray Rasmusssen, June 2014



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