Ia. Articles about Haibun by Ray Rasmussen
Learning from Two Masters: Matsuo Basho's Hut of the Phantom Dwelling and Ken Jones' Characteristics of Haibun, A Hundred Gourds 5:2, March 2016
Is It Possible for Non-Poets to Write Haibun? Haibun Today 10:1, March 2016
A Short History of Haibun, Journeys 2015: An Anthology of International Haibun, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015
Epigraphs in Haibun: Quick Fixes or Meaningful Links? Contemporary Haibun Online 10:4, January 2015
The Health of English Language Haibun, Contemporary Haibun Online, January 2015
Issa’s Humanity and Humour: A Haibun Passage from His Travel Journal Oraga Haru, A Hundred Gourds 3:3, June 2014
A Title is a Title is a Title, or is it? – The Unexplored Role of Titles in Haibun, Modern Haiku, 33.3, 2010.
Characteristics of Contemporary English-language Haibun, Haibun Today, December 9, 2007
The Role of Modeling in Haibun Composition, Haibun Today 7:2, June 2013
Modern English Language Haibun, Daily Haiga
Ib. Articles about Haiga and Haiku by Ray Rasmussen
Haiku and Meditation: A Learner's Path, Simply Haiku 4:3 Autumn 2006
The Haiku Moment & Beyond, New Zealand Poetry Website
Creating Haiga Images: Some Considerations about Text Design, Haigaonline
Lessons on Framing and Adding Text to Haiga Compositions, Haigaonline
The Modern Haiga Creation Process: Simply Haiku 1:4 October 2003
II. Commentaries on Haibun by Ray Rasmussen
Larry Kimmel's "Evening Walk,": Moving Beyond Standard Haibun," Contemporary Haibun Online 12:2, July 2016
Random Praise: A Haibun by Patricia Prime, Contemporary Haibun Online, 11:3, September 2015
Peter Butler's Ekphrastic Haibun, "Instructing Mona Lisa," Contemporary Haibun Online, 11:2, July 2015
Harriot West and Minimalist Haibun, Haibun Today 8:4, December 2014
Basho’s “Hiraizumi”, A Hundred Gourds 1:1, Haibun Today 6:3, December 2011
Ken Jones' "An Existential Encounter", Haibun Today 8:1, March 2014
Jeffrey Woodward's "Institute of Arts", A Hundred Gourds 3:1 December 2013
Glenn Coats’ "Turntable Junction", A Hundred Gourds 3:2, March 2014
Ed Higgins' "Escaped Poems", Contemporary Haibun Online 10:1 April 2014
Glenn G. Coats’ “Witness," Contemporary Haibun Online 9:4 January 2014
Jeffrey Woodward’s “Time with the Heron – Poetic Techniques in Haibun Composition”, Contemporary Haibun Online 9:3, October 2013
Steven Carter’s “Velasquez’ Maids of Honor”, Contemporary Haibun Online 9:1 April 2013
"Carol Pearce-Worthington and Patricia Rogers Haibun: Stylistic Inventiveness in Contemporary Haibun", Contemporary Haibun Online 8:1, April 2012
Susan Nelson Myers’, “A Pot of Beans,” Contemporary Haibun Online 6:4, December 2010
III. Reviews of Haibun Books by Ray Rasmussen
Roberta Beary, Deflection," Contemporary Haibun Online 12:1, April 2016
Clare MacQueen (Editor), KYSO Flash Anthology of Haibun and Tanka Forms, Haibun Today 10:2, June 2016
Bob Lucky, Ethiopian Time, A Hundred Gourds 4:2, March 2015
Jeffrey Winke, I’ll Tell You So, Haibun Today 4:2, June 2010
The Tanka Prose Anthology, (Ed.) Jeffrey Woodward, Haibun Today Blogspot, 2008
IV. Interviews by Ray Rasmussen
Bob Lucky, "Reflections on Writing, Editing and the Status of Haibun," Haibun Today, 9:3, September 2015.
Glenn G. Coats, "Humbled by the Might of a Few Words", Haibun Today 7:2, June 2013
Linda Papanicolaou, "Graphic Haibun", Haibun Today Blogspot 2008
V. Reviews, Commentaries, Interviews on Ray Rasmussen’s Work:
Mike Montreuil, Interview with Ray Rasmussen, A Hundred Gourds 4:3, June 2015
Lynne Rees, Writer at Work: A Conversation with Ray Rasmussen, Contemporary Haibun Online 11:1, April 2015
Linda Papanicolaou, "Review of Ray Rasmussen’s, Canyonlands Journal", Haibun Today 5:1, March 2011
Jeffrey Woodward, "Interview of Ray Rasmussen: Showing the Shadow”, Haibun Today 5:1, March 2011
Tish Davis, On Ray Rasmussen's "Fly Fishing", Haibun Today 8:1, March 2014
Jim Sullivan, On Ray Rasmussen's "Counting." A Hundred Gourds 3:4, September 2014