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Simply Haiku Resources

Under Robert Wilson's leadership, Simply Haiku became a great repository of haiku criticism. Below, are the articles from this collection on haibun. The entire 7 years of the early Simply Haiku are well worth a visit for those who wish to read about haiku criticm or peruse the haibun sections. The next versions of Simply Haiku appeared first as a Wordpress blog and next as the current incarnation. Both continue to carry haibun and literary criticism.

haikuSam Hamill, Translator of Basho's Narrow Road to the Interior, Interviewed by Robert Wilson

haikuAllen McGill, Haibun Editor, On Haibun

haikuW.F. Owen, Haibun Editor, On Haibun

haikuLinda Papanicolaou, Graphic Haibun

haikuRay Rasmussen, Basho and Me

haikuLynne Rees, Haibun Editor, On Haibun

haikuBruce Ross, Interviewed by Robert Mestre

haikuBruce Ross, "On Defining Haibun to A Western Readership"

haikuGeorge Swede, Why Do We Write

haikuJeffrey Woodward, On Haibun and Tanka Prose, Interviewed by Patricia Prime