Jasper National Park


Rocky Mountain Wildflowers: A Web Site by Ray Rasmussen

This website is not a comprehensive coverage of the many species of wildflower found in Canada's Rocky Mountain National Parks. Instead it's meant at a showcase for those of you who want to know the names of what you are seeing in late spring and summer. Photographing wildflowers is a capricius hobby – wind, rain and light affect photographic opportunities and for the most part flowers like crowd in with other species. So mostly one just looks and enjoys. But sometimes the light and weather conditions are okay. Some of my below par wildflower shots are included only because I like the little guys and because in some cases, like the Japanese Lantern [alpine bladder pod] they are only seen by those who are willing to go up into the high places – the rocky alpine slopes where they grow.

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wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains, wildflower, wildflowers, Rocky Mountain flowers, wildflower photography