1. Burrowing Owl [Speotyto cunicularia] |
The burrowing owl [Speotyto cunicularia] and other endangered species in Alberta, Canada |
Western Burrowing Owl Profile |
western burrowing owl Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea STATUS Federal and California Species of Concern LIFE HISTORY The western burrowing owl is a small ground-dwelling owl with a round head that lacks the tufts of feathers which are often referred to as ear |
Burrowing Owl - Speotyto Cunicularia |
An opportunity to meet, see and hear Owls and Birds of Prey (falcons, hawks, buzzards, vultures) from around the world and learn about the ancient sport of falconry. |
Tulsa Boardwalk, Birds of Prey in Oklahoma, Burrowing Owl |
Birds of Prey in Oklahoma, a virtual bird collection complete with habitat, breeding and nesting information as well as some bird sounds. |
Burrowing Owl |
Athene cunicularia photo by Kay McKeever, The Owl Foundation Physical Appearance: One of the smallest species of owls, the burrowing owl is only nine inches tall, has a short tail, and very long legs, and weighs about 4 oz. |
Status of the burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea) in Alberta (in MAR |
Status of the burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea) in Alberta. Title: Status of the burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea) in Alberta... |
Burrowing Owl |
Information on the Burrowing Owl. |
Burrowing Owl stamps |
Stamps showing Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) |
Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl Speotyto cunicularia STATUS IN OKLAHOMA: Formerly abundant summer resident in grasslands of central and western Oklahoma; largely exterminated prior to 1930. Presently a rare and local summer resident, chiefly in Panhandle and western |
The Wide Burrower |
A Vignette on the Birds of Prey Birds of prey are found in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. There are approximately 420 different types of birds included in the group. Most of them are |
Animal Omnibus - Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl Order: Strigiformes Family: Strigidae Genus: Speotyto Species: cunicularia Range: Western North America through Central and South Americas. Appearance: Small brown owl with light spots. Throat and patch on upper part is white. Iris is |
Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl Speotyto cunicularia This small owl is a bird of the treeless, shortgrass country of western North America, from southern Canada to Mexico. It also occurs in Florida, the West Indies, and Central and South America. The burrowing owl.. |
Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia Description: Long lanky legs; no ear tufts; yellow eyes Most owls are nocturnal and therefore are difficult to see with total clarity, but the Burrowing Owl is diurnal. |
Burrowing Owl Species Account |
Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) Order: Strigiformes Family: Strigidae (Owls) Photo, E.T. Jones, Copyright ©1998 The Provincial Museum of Alberta - Use for Profit requires fee. Identification: 23 - 28 cm long with a 50 - 60 cm wingspread. Sexes appear |
Birds Designated Endangered in Canada [as of April 1996] Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada(COSEWIC) Taxonomic listing of bird species, subspecies, and populations that have been designated endangered by COSEWIC: |
CyberZoo Animal List |
The CyberZoo Animal List Animals of the Grassland Biome Common Name Scientific Name Biome Zoo "African" Elephant Loxodonta africana Grasslands Burnet Park Zoo American Bison Bison bison Grasslands Burnet Park Zoo American Kestrel Falco sparvenus Deciduous Forest, Coniferous Forest |
Biology and Conservation of Owls, Table of Contents |
USDA Forest Service 1997 General Technical Report NC-190 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada TABLE OF CONTENTS Please Note: This publication is over 600 pages in length and has been divided into PDF files for downloading. |
CWS - CanBird Retrieval by COSEWIC |
Back | The Green Lane Home | Français | Comments CWS - CanBird Retrieval by COSEWIC Species of regular occurrence in Canada under COSEWIC (52 Species): Common Name Status Scientific Name French Name Spanish Name Old English Name Order Family AOU Number Acadian Flycatcher endangered |
CyberZoo Animal List |
THE CYBERZOO. BIOME WORLD MAP. The CyberZoo Animal List. Common Name. Scientific Name. Biome. Zoo. "African" Elephant. Loxodonta africana.... |
Burrowing Owl: New Mexico |
Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences New Mexico State University P.O. Box 30003, Campus Box 4901 Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0003 phone (505) 646-7051 fax (505) 646-1281 ... |
Florida's Protected Birds |
Florida wildlife -protected bird species |
The National Birds of Prey Centre, Raptors |
Types of raptor at The National Birds of Prey Centre |
Burrowing owl Distribution Animation |
Burrowing owl Speotyto cunicularia Summer/winter Map Animation Click on Map to find the season Species Information: Life History Data Photograph Breeding Distribution Map (BBS Data) Winter Distribution Map (CBC Data) Links to:Bird Population... |
Endangered Species in Canada - Burrowing Owl |
The Green Lane | CWS home | | Endangered Species Home | Version française | | Comments | Search The Green Lane | Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) STATUS: threatened (Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada, 1979) and uplisted to |
Endangered Species in Canada - Burrowing Owl |
| The Green Lane | CWS home | | Endangered Species Home | Version française | | Comments | Search The Green Lane | Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) STATUS: threatened (Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada, 1979) and uplisted to endangere |
Burrowing Owl Recovery Page |
The Green Lane | CWS home | | Endangered Species Home | Version française | | Comments | Search The Green Lane | NATIONAL RECOVERY PLAN FOR THE BURROWING OWL Illustration: © Christine Kerrigan. All rights reserved. © Recovery of Nationally Endangered |
Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia One of the most common raptors in Kern County, the Burrowing Owl doesn't dig burrows, but lives in old squirrel dens which it cleans out and prepares a nesting chamber. It is often seen standing on the dirt mound by the entr |
Burrowing Owl |
The Burrowing Owl is a ground-dwelling bird with distinctive long legs, a short tail and very serious-looking eyes. It is further characterized by its lack of ear tufts. The feathers are a sandy brown color above ... |
Burrowing Owl master list |
Burrowing Owl Speotyto cunicularia Species Information: Life History Data Photograph Breeding Distribution Map (BBS Data) Winter Distribution Map (CBC Data) Links to:Bird Population Studies at Patuxent Breeding Bird Survey Patuxent Wildlife.. |
Burrowing owl Winter distribution map |
Burrowing owl Speotyto cunicularia Winter Distribution Map Species Information: Life History Data Photograph Breeding Distribution Map (BBS Data) Links to:Bird Population Studies at Patuxent Breeding Bird Survey Patuxent Wildlife Research Cente |
Categorized Salton Sea Basin/Colorado Delta Region Bibliography |
Note: This bibliography was initially developed for an SDSU course on the ecology of the Colorado River delta region. Unbeknownst to many this includes the region with Indio, Yuma and San Felipe at its vertices (see endpiece map in Sykes, 1937). |
Burrowing Owl Case Study: California |
A Case Study of Research and Restoration in Californai |
SJSU Environmental Studies - Completed Graduate Theses |
Department of Environmental Studies College of Social Sciences San Jose State University Completed Graduate Theses from May 1996 to December 1997 Date of Thesis Student Name Thesis Title |
Species List: CBC Estimated trends |
Red-throated loon Gavia stellata Pacific loon Gavia pacifica Common loon Gavia immer Pied-billed grebe Podilymbus podiceps Horned grebe Podiceps auritus |
Burrowing owl |
BIRDS Burrowing owl, a small ground owl (Speotyto cunicularia) (9 in.; 23 cm long), often seen in daytim |
BIRDNET: Bird Clip Art |
Return to main index (until BIRDNET gets to it's final server, please use your browser's back button to return to the BIRDNET pages). The following gifs vary in quality and subject and include both photographs and artwork. |
Birds and Predators |
THE AUCO LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH SITE. [Highlights | Site description & GIS | Researchers | Publications | Funding ] Birds and Predators.... |
Marcus G. Martin's Bird Photo Gallery |
(A little less abridged every year) Bird photos taken by Marcus G. Martin on various birding trips to places including Alaska, Antarctica, Florida, Mexico, Minnesota, New Mexico, South Africa, Utah, and Wisconsin. |
SCF - Recherche sur les oiseaux canadiens à l'étude par le CSEMDC |
Précédent | Page d'accueil de La Voie verte | English | Commentaires SCF - Recherche sur les oiseaux canadiens à l'étude par le CSEMDC Espèces observées régulièrement au Canada, à l'étude par le CSEMDC (52 espèces): Nom commun français Nom commun anglais Statut Nom scientifique |
SJSU-Environmental Studies Faculty Information |
Department of Environmental Studies College of Social Sciences San Jose State University Environmental Studies Faculty Information Dr. Donald Anthrop, Professor Campus telephone number : (408) 924-5460 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley. |
Burrowing Owl |
The Burrowing Owl is a ground-dwelling bird with distinctive long legs, a short tail and very serious-looking eyes. It is further characterized by its lack of ear tufts. The feathers are a sandy brown color above ... |
Dictionary of Animals - burrowing owl |
home search messages help assistant log out burrowing owl US owl Speotyto cunicularia that makes its nest in the deserted burrows of other animals. It is about 23 cm/9 in long, with no ear-tufts and long, poorly-feathered legs. From The Hutchinson |
Burrowing Owl Consortium - Survey Protocol |
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group Home Up Who We Are Conservation Issues Survey Protocol State Map Survey Protocol and Mitigation Guidelines The California Burrowing Owl Consortium developed the following Survey Protocol and Mitigation Guidelines to meet the need for uniform |
Burrowing Owl |
BURROWING OWL (Athene/Speotyto cunicularia) As can be seen from the latin name of this owl, discussion is still going on regarding the family group this owl belongs to, however in appearance it is similar to the little owl (Athene noctua). The two. |
Burrowing owl |
Burrowing owl Athene cunicularia Taxonomy Occurence in Illinois Status Habitat associations Guilds Food-habits Environmental associations Life history Management practices References TAXONOMY Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Strigiformes Family |
burrowing owl |
burrowing owl US owl Speotyto cunicularia that makes its nest in the deserted burrows of other animals. It is about 23 cm/9 in long, with no ear-tufts and long, poorly-feathered legs. © Copyright Helicon Publishing 1999 |
Burrowing Owl |
The Burrowing Owl is a ground-dwelling bird with distinctive long legs, a short tail and very serious-looking eyes. It is further characterized by its lack of ear tufts. The feathers are a sandy brown color ... |
The Burrowing Owl |
The Burrowing Owl and other Endangered Animal and Bird Species in Alberta, Canada and North America |
Idaho Conservation Data Center |
Idaho Conservation Data CenterDistribution of Special Status Animal Species by County NOTE: With few exceptions, the species listed under each county represent known occurrences. |
New Mexico trip species list April/May 1996 |
Species list: Eddy County, New Mexico, 4/25 - 5/1/96. Dick & Jean Hoffman. Species # Days Max. Common Loon Gavia immer 1 1 Pied-billed Grebe... |
DIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES NAVAJO FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST for The Navajo Nation EFFECTIVE 24 JULY 1995 GROUP 1 Those species or subspecies that no longer occur on the Navajo Nation. |
IV Birds - Burrowing Owl |
(Athene cunicularia) An endangered bird in much of its original range, this small owl is commonly seen in the Imperial Valley year-round. Unlike most owls, this one is very active during the day. |
Burrowing Owl |
BURROWING OWL Speotyto cunicularia Description The Burrowing Owl is a ground-dwelling bird with distinctive long legs, a short tail and very serious-looking eyes. It is further characterized by its lack of ear tufts. The feathers are a sandy brown. |
New Mexico Bird List - April 1997 |
Southern New Mexico Trip List. April 24 - 30, 1997 - Dick & Jean Hoffman. Apr 24: Lordsburg pond & waste water treatment plant, Gila Lower Box and NM... |
The National Birds of Prey Centre, Captive breeding success |
Captive breeding sucess at The National Birds of Prey Centre |
The Burrowing Owl - Suite101.com |
Home : Society and Culture : Animals : Birding by Fred Kane Welcome Articles Links Discussions < Previous Article | Next Article > The Burrowing Owl Burrowing Owl. . . . . Speotyto cunicularia Human beings honor the owl. People compare smart people with |
Burrowing Owl, Florida (Athene Cunicularia) |
"A resource for local residents, south florida birdwatchers and anyone fascinated by underground birds!" Just one of hundreds of owl species, Athene Cunicularia (Speotyto Cunicularia) is characterized by its nesting habit... underground! Lake Charleston is home to a number of |
Tulsa Boardwalk, Birds of Prey in Oklahoma, Burrowing Owl |
Birds of Prey in Oklahoma, a virtual bird collection complete with habitat, breeding and nesting information as well as some bird sounds. |
Burrowing Owl |
BIOMES KEY Animal List Burrowing Owl Speotyto cunicularia General Information This animal can be found in Texas and other western portions of North America. It makes its home in regions of South America as well. The burrowing owl lives in grassland. |
Owl, Burrowing |
BISON-M Taxonomy Species: Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea (NM,AZ)) Species Id 041320 Date 16 OCT 97 TAXONOMY: NAME ................... Owl, Burrowing OTHER COMMON NAMES ..... Western burrowing owl Lechuza Llanera (Hispanic) ELEMENT CODE |
CBC comparison list |
Basic Information: CBC Population Indices Northern gannet Morus bassanus American white pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Double-crest. Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Olivaceous cormoran |
Index of Species in the family Strigidae (Owls) |
Strigidae (Owls) Code. Common Name. Scientific Name. 73-3. Sandy Scops Owl. Otus icterorhynchus. 73-8. Striated Scops Owl. Otus brucei. 73-9. Scops... |
New Mexico Ornithological Society - The Owl |
New Mexico Ornithological Society The Owl Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia Photographed: Santa Teresa, Doña Ana County, New Mexico copyright ©1995 Bruce Nevill |
Design2Graphics - Owls List |
This section of my site contains a collection of birds of prey (raptor) info and other fun items!... |
Department of Environmental Studies - Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Lynne Trulio |
E- mail Us ! EDUCATION: Ph.D., Ecology, University of California, Davis (UCD). Received June, 1988. Dissertation: The ecological and evolutionary significance of ... |
My Owls of the World |
Hundreds of pictures and info about owls |
NMBirding: Checklist of New Mexico Birds |
Additions and corrections are most welcome (my thanks to GJE). Thank you. (last update 9/25/96) Species are presented in checklist order within Orders. |
Project Description for Pleasant Valley Habitat Conservation Plan | 18% ![]() |
Pleasant Valley Habitat Conservation Plan Questions / Additions / Problems with this page? E-mail: memadison@ucdavis.edu Abstract Project is cooperative effort to protect habitat for endangered species. This project considers all species to be sensitive. Purpose Obtain Section |
RENEW 98: Burrowing Owl |
The Green Lane | CWS home | | RENEW 97/98 home | Version française | | Comments | Search The Green Lane | Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia) Status COSEWIC: Threatened, 1978 and 1991, Endangered, 1995 Population estimate when listed by COSEWIC: 3,000 |
Alberta's Watchable Wildlife |
Speotyto cunicularia A bird of the open country, the burrowing owl is almost always found on or close to the ground. It is easily identified by its long legs and short barred tail. It is about 24 cm (9 in.) long. The head, neck and wings are light. |
Canadian Bird Checklist Program / Programme canadien de feuillets d'oiseaux |
Canadian Bird Checklist Program Programme canadien de feuillets d'oiseaux. Les oiseaux du Québec Birds of Québec. Canadian Map Carte du Canada. YT |... |