The girl in the photo is enjoying a special place, a Grasslands vista in Southern Alberta. It is but one of the six diverse landscapes that make Alberta, our homeplace, so special.
You will also find information about the diverse species that are uniquely dependent on our special places, parks and wilderness areas for their existence.You will learn that both the special places and the species are at risk. Much of the information on this webpage is taken from the Alberta Government's Fish and Wildlife Division. I have also borrowed from the vision of sustainable development that was developed by Alberta's Roundtable on Enviornment and Economy on which I served and that was adopted by all three of Alberta's Political Parties. In preparing the information on these webpages, I have taken care to present information that is scientifically accurate. I acknowledge that science doesn't tell us everything. Each Albertan who cares about parks and wild species must make an educated decision about these matters. It's a matter of values informed by the best science that is available. It is my hope that you will find these pages aesthetically, spiritually and intellectually rewarding. Dedications:
Special places 2000, Alberta, Canada, Species, Biodiversity, Wilderness, Parks, Alberta's Special Places and The Diverse Endangered Species that Inhabit them. A webpage that links the survival of wild species to the protection of the diverse and unique landscapes of Alberta, Canada.