Tanka Prose Resources
For the convenience of tanka prose enthusiasts, this page contains a listing of essays, interviews, commentaries & reviews related to tanka prose.
Link indicates a direct link to the resource which will open in a new browser window. PDF indicates a downloadable PDF file.
I. Essays
Prime, Patricia. "Irresistible Constructions: A Tanka Prose Essay," Modern English Tanka 3:1 (Autumn 2008) [PDF]
Tarlton, Charles. "Memoir of an American Tanka Prose," Haibun Today 5:3 (September 2011) [LINK]
Tarlton, Charles. "Toward a Theory and Practice of Tanka Prose," Haibun Today 5:4 (December 2011)
Tarlton, Charles. "Thoughts on Tanka prose," Skylark Tanka Journal 3:1 (Summer 2015)
Woodward, Jeffrey (Editor). "Introduction," The Tanka Prose Anthology. Baltimore, MD: Modern English Tanka Press, 2008.
Woodward, Jeffrey. "The Elements of Tanka Prose," Modern English Tanka 2:4 (Summer 2008)
Woodward, Jeffrey. "The Road Ahead for Tanka in English," Modern English Tanka 2:2 (Winter 2007)
Woodward, Jeffrey. "Prose and Verse in Tandem: Haibun and Tanka Prose," Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose 2 (Winter 2009)
Woodward, Jeffrey. "Tanka Prose and Haibun Today," Haibun Today (Sept. 25, 2008)
Woodward, Jeffrey. "The Segue in Tanka Prose," Ribbons 11:2 (Spring/Summer 2015)
Zimmer, Brian. "The Tanka Sequence & Tanka-Prose as Introduction to Tanka," Skylark 1:1 (2013)
II. Interviews
Everett, Claire. "Tanka Prose, Tanka Tradition: An Interview with Jeffrey Woodward," Atlas Poetica 9 (Summer 2011)
Prime, Patricia. "A Game of Tag: Gary LeBel on Tanka Prose," Haibun Today 6:3 (September 2012)
Prime, Patricia. "Talking Points: Jeffrey Woodward on Haibun and Tanka Prose," Simply Haiku 6:3 (Autumn 2008)
Rasmussen, Ray. "Terra Incognita: The World of Haibun and Tanka Prose, An Interview with Jeffrey Woodward," Contemporary Haibun Online 5:4 (December 2009)
III. Commentaries
Bacharach, Dave. "On Linda Jeannette Ward's 'Portraiture,'" Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose 1 (Summer 2009) [LINK]
Cliff, Kirsten. "On Her Tanka Prose 'The Taste of My Tongue,'" Haibun Today 8:2 (June 2014) [LINK]
Davis, Tish. "On Gary LeBel's 'White Azaleas,'" Haibun Today 6:3 (September 2012) [LINK]
Harpeng, Jeffrey. "Commentary on Dru Philippou's 'Inner Realism,'" Haibun Today 6:1 (March 2012) [LINK]
Harpeng, Jeffrey. "On Finding Hope," Haibun Today 7:4 (December 2013) [LINK]
Kunschke, Ingrid. "Continental Breakfasts—On McClintock's 'Before Croissants & Coffee & a Poem by Fontane," Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose 2 (Winter 2009) [LINK]
Kunschke, Ingrid. "'Forget-Me-Nots': Balancing Minds and Modes," Haibun Today 5:2 (June 2011) [LINK]
Lucky, Bob. "Topic Unknown: My Beginnings in Tanka Prose," Haibun Today 5:3 (September 2011) [LINK]
Philippou, Dru. "Entering the Mystery of 'Hipólito, the Herder,'" Haibun Today 5:4 (December 2011) [LINK]
Prime, Patricia. "'White & Red': My Beginnings in Tanka Prose," Haibun Today 5:2 (June 2011) [LINK]
III. Book Reviews
Bullock, Owen. "Review of Giselle Maya's Poem Tales," Haibun Today 4:2 (June 2010)
Davis, Tish. "Atlas Poetica's '25 Tanka Prose' & Atlas Poetica 9," Haibun Today 5:4 (December 2011)
Holzer, Ruth. "Review of Another Garden: Tanka Writings by Jeffrey Woodward," Skylark 2:1 (Summer 2014) [PDF]
Kunschke, Ingrid. "On Jeffrey Woodward's Another Garden: Tanka Writings," Haibun Today 7:4 (December 2013) [LINK]
Lucky, Bob. "Review of Jeffrey Woodward's Another Garden: Tanka Writings," A Hundred Gourds 3:2 (March 2014) [LINK]
Philippou, Dru. "On Patricia Prime’s and Giselle Maya’s Shizuka," Haibun Today 9:3 (September 2015) [LINK]
Philippou, Dru. "On Amelia Fielden's Mint Tea from a Copper Pot & other tanka tales," Haibun Today 8:1 (March 2014) [LINK]
Rasmussen, Ray. "Review of The Tanka Prose Anthology," Haibun Today (Dec. 11, 2008) [LINK]
Tarlton, Charles. "Poetry and Melancholy: Jeffrey Woodward's Another Garden," Atlas Poetica 18 (Summer 2014)

Note: All work on this page is posted with permission of the authors who hold the copyright for any further use. |